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〒370-2455 1109-2, Kanohara, Tomioka-shi, Gunma

1.Board implementation
2.Board assembly
3.Board assembling/Examination for board
4.Examination for product assembling/product


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Already snowy news!


If the hot summer is over and thinks that it will be the autumn that it is easy to spend from now on

It was cold as for the morning and evening considerably and heard the snowy news in the news, too

It seems to be cold winter in no time

I think about Warm Biz and want to prepare this time for cold winter.

In addition, please see it as I think that I can introduce a future approach

The effect of the power saving? ?

September began and became easy to spend the morning and evening quite coolly

I worked on power saving in all the employees this summer in us, but the result was given

It became about 17% of reduction from last year 

Each employee made an effort and was able to give result by having cooperated in all the members!


I want to work on power saving with all the employees sequentially in future to be able to continue

Power saving measures!

The rainy season is over, and a hot day continues every day

Let's soften heat by the sunlight
with yoshizu, a shading curtain!

I used this to the window called every window in a company
I can prevent the rise in indoor temperature by softening heat by the sunlight, and the efficiency of the air-conditioner improves, too

In the public, I was like considerable popularity in yoshizuga this year and sold it out in several home centers and was the series!
I devise it, and we do our best on the wave of the times, too

The sudden blackout by the electricity shortage is not really appreciated

Trivia NO.2

The driving time for air-conditioner seems to be saved about 9kw, about 207 yen in one month when I shorten it for one hour

I do it! Power saving!


July begins from today and is almost summer

I must lay emphasis on power saving this year more than an average year!
I called a lecturer with all the employees in a thing called this and did a study session

I introduce a demand management device that our company always manages the electricity and uses electricity without waste.
I make use of a device and, in reference to the story in this study session, try power saving hard!

Everybody, please drop in in future as I want to tell you about an approach about the power saving

It is trivia a little

 The temperature of the air-conditioner seems to be saved about 13kw, about 291 yen in one month when I raise it by 1 degree Celsius
 Everybody will make the temperature of the air-conditioner energy saving setting by all means, too

Departure part2 to Vietnam

A dinner party last with conveyor belt sushi!
I left for Vietnam well!
A training period became the end, and min, the fan who worked together for three years on June 7 went back to Vietnam

min, the fan who did their best in Japan
Please do your best in Vietnam

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