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Modern and
environmentally friendly manufacturing.
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[2025/Connecting] Happy New Year.DiversityEnergy Saving
[It's finally decided!!] The GIA final stage.Energy SavingConsulting/Side-by-side Support
A partner to help you survive the present
With the concepts of [Energy Saving] and [Diversity Management], we hope to be a business that performs modern manufacturing.
Based in Tomioka-shi, Gunma, we run our main businesses of board assembly and examination for medical equipment and automobiles, and product assembly and examination, as well as other areas.
In addition, we take on social and environmental initiatives, such as daily updated and detailed demand management, and air quality maintenance through conditioning and ventilation; these initiatives have received much praise as well as external awards.
Representative Director: Satoru Teshigawara
President:Satoru Teshigawara
Teshigawara Satoru
In 2014, our initiatives in energy management were awarded with the Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Director's Award for Energy Management Excellence.
In 2015, we received
the Energy Conservation Grand Prize, and in 2019 we were selected for the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry'sEnergy Saving and Management "top 12 shining small businesses"!
Energy Conservation Award/Top 100 New Diversity Management Companies
In the metaverse, learn about
EIKOH SEISAKUSYO's past and present?!
Believe it or not, you can control your own avatar in this metaverse on our website and visit our workplace.
Please be sure to read the control instructions when you are joining for the first time.
Super Satoru
Business Description
We have passion so strong that others tell us to calm down!
We come together as one to deliver products, services, and smiles to our customers.
Product / Service / Smile
ISO9001 Certified Factory
ISO14001 Certification
Smile Quality
An integrated production system starting at small lot manufacturing
Integrated Production System
Integrated Production System
We provide flexible support even for small lot orders, and have gained deep trust from manufacturers requesting the creation of prototypes.
High-density Implementation and Advanced Inspection Systems for Detailed Components (0402)
High-density Implementation and Advanced Inspection Systems for Detailed Components (0402)
Through our state-of-the-art equipment and flexible production system, we can provide support for any implementation conditions, no matter how difficult.
Accepting Vietnamese Workers since 2005
Accepting Vietnamese Workers since 2005
Since 2005, our company has accepted several Vietnamese technical trainees and engineers every year. Even now many Vietnamese staff work hard with us.
Consulting Business
Product / Service / Smile
Winner of the 2015 Energy Conservation Grand Prize
Practical Consulting Business
Quickly Implementable Energy Saving Activities
From early on EIKOH SEISAKUSYO has been taking on initiatives towards energy saving, and the achievements of said initiatives were awarded the 2015 Energy Conservation Grand Prize. Unlike those at large enterprises, we propose concrete energy saving activities that small and medium companies can quickly implement. 
View lecture history
Development and Action for Women and Foreign Staff
Diversity in Management/Human Resources
In order to respond to the population decline of workers in the future, the participation of women and foreign residents is essential.
Since the establishment of this company, we have acted upon the aim of a workplace environment where women can play an active role. As a result, more than 70% of our current staff are women, and they have all developed into members that support their teams in a wide variety of departments.
Please make use of our abundant know-how if you are considering the preparation of a workplace environment where women and foreigners can participate.
Gunma Prefecture Multicultural Co-Creation Company
Nursing Facility
Management Business
EIKOH SEISAKUSYO Co., Ltd.'s Caregiving Facilities Management
We provide a living space that fits the important family members in your life.
Beyond board manufacturing, EIKOH SEISAKUSYO Co., Ltd. also performs the management of caregiving facilities. Our creed is to ensure our residents can enjoy their time in peace and entertainment. Through our motto of complete care for each resident and making an at-home and comforting environment, we aim to provide high quality caregiving services.
Nursing care facility operated by EIKOH SEISAKUSYO Co., Ltd.
Group Home "Nijinoie"
1166-1, Okanogo, Fujioka-shi, Gunma
TEL.0274-40-3478 / FAX.0274-40-3479
Small-scale Multifunctional Home "Taiyounoie"
1166-1, Okanogo, Fujioka-shi, Gunma
TEL.0274-20-2121 / FAX.0274-20-2122
Residence-type Paid Nursing Home/
Day Service "Sugao"
1166-1, Okanogo, Fujioka-shi, Gunma
TEL.0274-50-8558 / FAX.0274-50-8559
Employment Information
Promoting diversity! Many women play an active role at our company.
We build a business were employees can find a good balance between work and private life. We provide an environment where a diverse range of human resources can participate.
Many women play an active role at our company.
Many women play an active role at our company.
Many women play an active role at our company.
Many women play an active role at our company.
370-2455 1109-2, Kanohara, Tomioka-shi, Gunma TEL.0274-63-2483 / FAX.0274-63-2549
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