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〒370-2455 1109-2, Kanohara, Tomioka-shi, Gunma

1.Board implementation
2.Board assembly
3.Board assembling/Examination for board
4.Examination for product assembling/product


Company profile

Company profile

Company name
The location
〒370-2455 1109-2, Kanohara, Tomioka-shi, Gunma
Phone number
FAX number
Representative director Imperial envoy River Satoru Hara
Founding time
October, 1973
The establishment date
January, 1984
10 million yen
Duties contents
  • Board implementation
  • Board assembly
  • Board assembling
  • Examination for board
Administration facilities
  • The group home "house of the rainbow" <office number 1070900319>
  • A small scale multifunctional model home "house of the sun" <office number 1090900042>
  • The house type pay nursing home "real face"
  • The day service "real face" <office number 1071000796>

Company history

It is founded in Kanohara, Tomioka-shi and starts
Shift (capital 3 million yen)
Shift (capital 10 million yen)
I build more section ridges including group of factory site acquisition in Fujioka-shi
January, 2001
The ISO9002 certification acquisition
July, 2003
The ISO 9001 certification acquisition
August, 2003
Group home "house of the rainbow" establishment
October, 2003
One 1 technology choice company
April, 2005
I accept a Vietnamese skill trainee and an engineer and start
January, 2008
Small scale multifunctional model home "house of the sun" establishment
July, 2010
The ISO14001 certification acquisition
November, 2012
I participate in challenge 25
November, 2012
A clean room in the company
April, 2013
I switch to new logo mark
October, 2013
The 40th anniversary of the foundation
January, 2014
The establishment 30th anniversary
December, 2014
Company manufacturing subsidy adoption small in 2013 a revision medium and small-sized business
February, 2015
Kanto economic industrial chief of the bureau commendation receiving a prize such as Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 2014 energy management excellent companies
May, 2015
The house type pay nursing home "real face" opening
June, 2015
The day service "real face" opening
September, 2015
2014 revision manufacturing, commerce, service innovative subsidy adoption
January, 2016
[2015 energy saving award << energy saving example section >>, energy-saving center's chairperson Prize] Receiving a prize
March, 2016
[100 selections of 2015 new diversity management companies] I am elected by this
December, 2017
Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chamber of Commerce and Industry environment action plan
"Immediate “ approach clicks the like button I am elected by "example
January, 2018
Internship acceptance starts from Ho Chi Minh college of engineering
October, 2018
The 45th anniversary of the foundation
October, 2019
I am elected in energy saving casebook 2019 to lead to management improvement by CASE15 electronic parts
October, 2019
"Shiningly shining medium and small-sized business 12 selections!" which challenged improvement in management power I am elected by this
March, 2020
Special NHK; "Reiwa future meeting 2020 "open public opinion" remote appearance
November, 2022
NHK news "good morning Japan" (Kanto and Koshinetsu)
December, 2022
NHK international broadcasting "NHK WORLD JAPAN"
February, 2023
"NHK WORLD JAPAN" Vietnamese version
October, 2023
The 50th anniversary of the foundation
October, 2023
[2023 Gunma multicultural cowound Company certification system/certification company] The election
December, 2023
[SDGs Gunma business practice] I elect it as an example
March, 2024
EIKOH group commercializes Taiyo Mick

It is our latest various brochures.

Traffic access

[address] 1109-2, Kanohara, Tomioka-shi, Gunma
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