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The latest information



Living-room gig information!

It was finally the day of the television transmission

 Today Wednesday, March 7 BS Japan BS7 channel 9:54 p.m. ...
        "An energy-saving master"

Please watch it, everybody

For more details, look at this

3/7 will be a TV airdate tomorrow!


It is broadcasted tomorrow

I told you the other day, but we will be introduced on TV.

I think that you can know our approach toward the lot.

Please look at everybody

Airdate guidance

Wednesday, March 7 BS Japan BS7 channel 9:54 p.m. ...
        "An energy-saving master"

Thank you in advance

The news of the TV airdate!

March began, but is colder

Will you hear the information of the cherry tree when you do it a little more?

It should be the season that it is easy to spend warmly early

Well, it is a matter of TV which blog of the other day introduced a little,
It will be finally broadcasted on Wednesday, March 7!

As the energy saving that tried hard is introduced by all the staff, to right or wrong many people
I think that I want you to watch it

Airdate guidance

Wednesday, March 7 BS Japan BS7 channel 9:54 p.m. ...
        "An energy-saving master"

Please look at everybody

It is cold every day


A colder day wants to continue; is strange

Influenza seems to be popular, too

I put alcohol sterilization at the entrance for the influenza prevention in us and,
I prevent it when I humidify it.

It acts on all spirit without influenza being popular in an office

There is a considerable reaction from a radio broadcasting of the other day, the various places of many aspects, really toward the lot
You seemed to be able to listen.
All of you who had you listen, really thank you

How would about three treasure of the president?
"Please show me the important shoes this time!" Some said how

Please hear the madano from this homepage

And we will be introduced on TV how this time
As will tell you about the detailed thing with blog again later, in fun


I appear on FM Gunma today!

Collecting scenery
FM Gunma
Concept of this year
It is news for all of you!

A president appears on an information program of FM Gunma today from 18:30

By the information program which a considerable listener of the commuter rush hour comes to, I will appear on the corner of "treasure best 3 of the president"

That, during collecting, the president has been considerably tense, too

What kind of contents which will be what treasure of the president is, the staff is looking forward to, too


Today Wednesday, January 11 around 18:30 FM Gunma 86.3MHz

"EVENIN'" (Eve Nin) 

Please hear everybody right or wrong

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