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〒370-2455 1109-2, Kanohara, Tomioka-shi, Gunma

1.Board implementation
2.Board assembly
3.Board assembling/Examination for board
4.Examination for product assembling/product


The latest information



The autumn festival of the district!

Well, this blog a state at the time of the Fuji Shrine annual festival of Kanohara, Tomioka-shi with us
I introduce it a little
While this festival being held every year in October, and the children of the district pulling a festival car, and playing a musical accompaniment
I parade around Kanohara district
It is our parking lot that also becomes the break place of the morning
Therefore the state of all is seen a little
All happy ...
It was good that the weather was good

New member photograph introduction in Vietnam

We are looking forward to hearing from you everybody today!
Chao moi nguoi! Tu bay gio rat mong nhan duoc su giup do tu moi nguoi! Chung toi se co gang lam viec het minh.

Introduction of the new member

I have done long silence once again
Blog update after a long absence, everybody whom I always look after are sorry
Well, well, October began, and a new friend increased to us
Two people of station wagon you of the trainee from Vietnam, min
Though there is not the room, Japanese is good, and all two of them are surprised to come to Japan
I was in Vietnam and would surely study ... ppai
You make a lot of studies in our EIKOH, and dry it with effort from now on in Japan for three years
Station wagon you, min you will do your best together

Eco-reinforcement month of the glory

It was June, and our company entered for eco-reinforcement month of the glory
It was a Cool Biz period at the same time
Well, from June to September become & Cool Biz every year in us for eco-reinforcement month of the glory
It is reinforcement month becoming annual in the office
On earth what kind of thing is it - working on in?
I think of this
I introduced it before, but I am how old or introduce it
 Enforcement of the eco-driving, safe driving
 The temperature setting of the air-conditioner is thorough to 28 degrees Celsius
 It is promoted the kaesa rou motion early
I do my best for reduction of the energy consumption with all the employees this year
Well, well, is the Kanto district abnormal weather in ritonarimashiga, this year in the rainy season, too?
A precipitation is terrible, and damage seems to be given in each place
This neighborhood was rainy with terrible thunder last night, too
Oh, it is wet weather today
I must be careful about the humidity in addition to heat measures
Well, I devise it and try so hard that everybody can work comfortably this year
Preparations for ayyoshizuto shading curtain preparations

The present from a president!

At this week, morning gathering from a president to all the employees
   Wonderful present 
I had this  
  "Words of Kyn with a feeling as a circle" 
It is the book which the senior of the president called this wrote
I read at a morning gathering together and I say an impression and spend very significant time every morning 
I recognize importance of the communication some other time today and I brace myself together and start work  
What kind of contents is next?   
I study together and want to make it the workplace with much communication brightly
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