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〒370-2455 1109-2, Kanohara, Tomioka-shi, Gunma

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The sixth whole country energy saving meeting in Shizuoka

On tomorrow, Tuesday, July 5 by Grand ship of Shizuoka
The sixth whole country energy saving meeting is held
Five people who included Teshigawara going on the platform are going to participate from us
I will report the detailed contents with blog later

2015 energy saving award East Japan district announcement meet participation

It is October, and it was a season of the change of dress, but is hot, and is cold, and want to appear; is strange
I will be careful not to saw a cold by physical condition management
Well, it was performed yesterday in a camellia hall in Kameido, Tokyo
I went to this in several employees with a president on behalf of a company
It was a throb before announcement
I was able to have a prize for what excellent presentation
As I repeated document preparations and exercises with all the employees before I reach the day, I am pleased with all very much
As a solidarity power is our strength, I want to do my best in everything let alone energy saving in future

I try all hard!

It has been a long time no see
I devised intense heat together and cooperated and was got over this year
Well, there are a Vietnamese engineer, trainee in us, but from June
One engineer increases, and six people are doing their best every day now
A new friend is feces you (the second from the selfish left for front row of the photograph)
You will do your best together humph
Six of them try hard to learn Japanese and the Japanese culture let alone work every day
A photograph introduces them today

It became late, but uploaded a certificate of merit and a shield!

By "the Kanto economic industrial chief of the bureau commendation such as 2014 energy management excellent companies"
It is a certificate of merit and the shield which I had.
It became late, but improved

We are introduced in "company support Gunma"!

Of Gunma industry support system
With "company support Gunma" 4.5 month issue
We are introduced.
Please see it by all means, everyone
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