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〒370-2455 1109-2, Kanohara, Tomioka-shi, Gunma

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2.Board assembly
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A new friend!


A new friend entered the company from Vietnam on June 13

The name is niyan you

I will do my best together for niyan you, three years

Glory Eco reinforcement month!


June began, and our company was energy saving reinforcement month as well as last year

Do it this year with eco-reinforcement month of the
is energy saving all the staff more than usual from June through September
I want to do my best

Contents of this year are ...
Enforcement of the eco-driving, safe driving
 The temperature setting of the air-conditioner is thorough to 28 degrees Celsius
 It is effectively utilized the window shade curtain
 When not in use, it is power supply OFF
    (lighting, PC, electric pot)
 It is promoted the kaesa rou motion early
 It is carried out the tekuteku, riding together campaign tinklingly

I try energy saving hard by such contents until September

I carry out the Cool Biz in total and want to survive it this summer

Under a challenge!


May begins, and it is early, and there seems to be the company called the Cool Biz for power saving this year for one month, too

When do not think soon in us either; ...

Well, this blog introduces that I lay emphasis on power saving, but, besides, our company adds pressure and may wrestle

It is a garbage 0 office

I have the garbage appearing in an office
recycles it, and the in front of the visitor cooperate and return it when I say what kind of thing it is and am a challenge to zero garbage.

Fortunately, our visitors have return cooperate willingly because a system is made, too

In addition, I take it to go respectively, and the staff does own garbage such as the lunch time, too and tries it hard in all the members.

I will aim at garbage 0 with effort together from now on

It became quite warm☆

April began, and the cherry tree bloomed, too and became easy to spend time considerably

As for it having been instant this year that cherry blossoms become in full bloom, but beginning to be scattered

As for the cherry blossom petals which were early, and the cherry blossoms in full bloom are wonderful, but are blown by wind, and fly with the shin

Do you not think that it is wonderful?

Well, it saves electricity, and it already takes measures toward the summer to think that it becomes warm

Devise it this summer, and do the best; is in a thought, but is various this summer; devise it

I want to aim at the further power saving

I match power with all the staff, and Eco of the glory does the best

As this blog introduces a state doing its best, sometimes please see it

There was television transmission!


Yesterday, our energy-saving approach was introduced on TV

You seemed to be able to watch it toward the lot in television transmission, the truth.
All of you whom you saw, really thank you

As various all appeared on the staff, it swelled very much in the office
So that an approach from our day is introduced, and all the staff do their best continuously in the future
I thought again!

As I will think that this blog can introduce our approach in future
Please be looking forward to it

Yesterday, as you can watch it to all of you who were not able to look at it from this homepage
Please see it by all means

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