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Equipment Introduction

Here, we would like to introduce a selection of the machinery owned by our company.

Equipment details

3D-view Inspection Machine

Omron (VT-S730)
Equipped with NG stocker
Nagaoka Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
(NS0009L TP2G)

[Supported Inspection Size]
Max: L510mm x W460mm
Min: L60mm x W50mm
t (thickness): 0.5 to 2.0 mm

Machine Installation/Mounter

Printing machine: Yamaha (YCP10)
Mounter: Yamaha (YS24X → YS100)
Reflow: Tamura (TNV50-568EM-P) Nitrogen

[Supported Implementation Size]
Max: L510mm x W460mm
Min: L60mm x W50mm
t (thickness): 0.5 to 2.0 mm
Part height: within 15mm
*0.4×0.2mm mountable

Machine Installation/Mounter (Panasonic Line)

Machine Installation/Mounter

Printer: Panasonic (SP28P-D)
Print inspection machine: RENESAS (BPC-707)
Mounter: Panasonic (CM101D⇒CM20F-M)
Reflow: Tamura (TAP30-407PM) Air

[Supported Implementation Size]

Max: L330 x W250 x T3.0

Min: L50 x W50 x T0.5

Print Inspection Machine

Machine installation/inspection machine

Panasonic Line
Inspection machine: RENESAS (BPC-707)

Image Recognition Inspection

Image Recognition Inspection
Power Macintosh 7600/132
Installed parts checking device
Model22X Marantz Japan Co., Ltd.

Image recognition is used to inspect for the presence, misalignment, and incorrect parts after components are mounted.

Image Inspection Machine x 3

Image Inspection Machine
Image inspection machine Omron (QT-SV1)

Solder Bath (Nitrogen Compatible)

Machine mounting/solder bath

Spout bath *Lead-free and eutectic compatible
Fluxer: Tamura (TAF-40-15PA)
Solder bath: Tamura (HC25-39NE)

[Supported Implementation Size]

Max: L330 x W250 x T1.6
Min: L50 x W50 x T1.6

Solder Bath

Machine mounting/solder bath

Static tank * Eutectic compatible
Fluxer: Nippon Denki Kiki Co., Ltd. (MX-300)
Solder bath: Nippon Denki Kiki Co., Ltd. (HC25-39NE)

Programmable Spot Soldering Machine (Takurobo)

Programmable Spot Soldering Machine (Takurobo)
 *Lead-free and eutectic compatible
Point fluxer device (tabletop model): Koki Tech Co., Ltd.
Point jet soldering equipment (desktop model): Koki Tech Co., Ltd.

Tabletop X-ray Fluoroscopy Equipment

Manual type X-axis (left/right direction) = 160mm
    Y axis (back and forth direction) = 100mm

Drawer size (596mm x 470mm)

Medixtech Co., Ltd.

Packaging Material Molding (Instar Pack)

Machine installation/packaging

A machine for forming cushioning materials used in packaging

370-2455 1109-2, Kanohara, Tomioka-shi, Gunma
FAX: 0274-63-2549

1. Board implementation
2. Board assembly
3. Board assembly/Board examination
4. Product assembly/product inspection

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