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Past Lectures

Below are some past lectures.
For inquiries regarding lectures, the number
can be contacted for more information.

We can provide know-how on "energy-saving management," "diversity management," and "utilization of foreign human resources."

"Energy-saving management": In the case study section, the "Energy Conservation Grand Prize" was awarded to us based on our know-how on soft energy cost reduction that can be put into practice immediately by small and medium-sized enterprises, which is highly rated. We are particularly skilled in demand management techniques centered on "system creation" and "human resource development," and have succeeded in leveling out the contract demand by "reducing 44%" while significantly increasing production volume. We are also highly regarded as a management school, and our lectures are sometimes used to train successors and executives.
"Diversity Management": 70% of our employees are women. The "New Diversity Management Selection 100," for which we were selected, displays our know-how on developing people that will help a diverse range of talents shine, which we provide to you.
"Utilizing foreign human resources":our company started accepting Vietnamese trainees in 2005, and although we are a small company, we have already successfully graduated more than 30 people. The reputation of the people who have graduated from our company is good, and we have received praise from various places. In 2023, the "multicultural co-creation company" designation was also given to us, and we were introduced as a representative example of Gunma Prefecture at the Japan-Vietnam Human Resources Cooperation Forum, which was attended by the Prime Minister of Vietnam.

Lectures can be attended by one company at a time.
Please feel free to use this for employee training, executive training, and successor development.

2024 Lecture Record

Lecture date
Lecture title
Lecture content
2024.9.17 (Tues)
Tomioka Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Environmental Training Session
"Cut the power, not people"
Hotel Amuse Tomioka
2024.4.12 (Fri)
Gunma Prefectural
Tomioka High School
Opening ceremony and commemorative lecture
"Cut the power, not people! The president has made the decision! He declares energy conservation in front of all employees."
Gunma Prefectural Tomioka High School First Gymnasium
2024.3.17 (Sun)
Regional Revitalization Department, Gunma Living and Foreigner Participation Promotion Division
Presentation at the "Roots Internship Reporting Session" 
Activity report by high school students 
Comments from host companies and program completion ceremony  
Gunma Hall Hall
2024.1.23 (Tues)
Participation in the Gunma Multicultural Co-Creation Symposium
"Gunma Prefecture where foreign talent and Japanese people can thrive together"
Gunma Prefectural Office 32nd floor
Public-Private Co-Creation Space

2023 Lecture Record

Lecture date
Lecture title
Lecture content
2023.11.7 (Wed)
Gunma Carbon Neutral Promotion Association
"2nd Energy Saving and Carbon Free Management Seminar in Tomioka"
"Cut the power, not people! The president has made the decision! He declares energy conservation in front of all employees."
Tomioka-shi City Hall
2023.9.22 (Fri)
Yokohama Chuo Corporation Association, Training Committee
Activation Seminar 
Learn about decarbonized management! Profitable management amid rising electricity prices
~ Cut the power, not people ~
Tax and Economics Training Center
Kanagawa Prefecture
2023.2.2 (Thurs)
Kajima Construction Co., Ltd. Gunma Sales Office
Executive Training Seminar
"Cut the power, not people! The president has made the decision! He declares energy conservation in front of all employees."
Shoken Gakuen Maebashi Hall (Maebashi Civic Cultural Center)


2022 Lecture Record

Lecture date
Lecture title
Lecture content
2022.10.11 (Tues)
Shibukawa City Ethics Association
Management Morning Seminar
"Cut the power, not people! The president has made the decision! He declares energy conservation in front of all employees."
Prevert Shibukawa
2022.10.5 (Wed)
Gunma Economic Association
2022 3rd Study Session
"Cut the power, not people! The president has made the decision! He declares energy conservation in front of all employees."
Hotel Metropolitan Takasaki
2022.9.22 (Thurs)
QC Circle Kanto Branch Gunma Area
6392nd QC Circle
Autumn General Tournament

"Cut the power, not people! The president has made the decision! He declares energy conservation in front of all employees."
Isesaki City Sakai Cultural Center
2022.7.9 (Sat)
Gunma Prefectural Government
Narumi Komatsu "Life School" x Gunma Prefectural Government
"Seminar on Promoting the Active Participation of Foreign Talent"
Speaking on stage
"Company development through the active participation of foreign talent"
Gunma Prefectural Office 32nd floor
Public-Private Co-Creation Space
2022.2.18 (Fri)
Himeji Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The first step towards carbon neutrality
Energy-saving management is now needed
The president decides to cut off electricity without cutting staff! He declares energy conservation in front of all employees
Himeji Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2F Large Hall
Online (Zoom)
2022.2.14 (Mon)
Gunma Prefectural Government
Energy conservation and renewable energy promotion seminar to achieve carbon neutrality in Gunma
Examples of carbon neutral and energy-saving initiatives
Gunma Prefectural Office 32nd floor tsulunosu (Gunma Prefectural Video and Broadcasting Studio)

2021 Lecture Record

Lecture date
Lecture title
Lecture content
2021.12.23 (Thurs)
Kyushu Regional Electricity Efficiency Council
Lecture on efficient power usage
"Cut the power, not people!" - President declares energy conservation in front of all employees -
Fukuoka City Denki Building Co-creation Hall 3F E-Conference
2021.9.22 (Wed)
Panasonic Corporation
Production scheduler usage example web seminar
Production scheduler usage example web seminar
EIKOH SEISAKUSYO (online lecture)
Shikoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry
Energy Use Rationalization Symposium in Takamatsu
Energy conservation through thorough power management in electronic equipment production
~He who controls power management controls production management!~
EIKOH SEISAKUSYO (online lecture)

2020 Lecture Record

Lecture date
Lecture title
Lecture content
2020.2.17 (Mon)
Kiryu Area Industrial Environmental Conservation Liaison Council
Kiryu Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Kiryu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Environmental Seminar
"Cut the power, not people!"
~The president makes a decision! "Energy saving declaration" in front of employees! ~
Kiryu Chamber of Commerce and Industry 3rd Floor

2019 Lecture Record

Lecture date
Lecture title
Lecture content
2019.12.3 (Tues)
Energy Conservation Center, Japan
FY2019 Energy Saving Diagnosis and Technology Case Presentation
Demand reduction through thorough demand management, production schedule adjustment and power saving measures
Sunport Hall Takamatsu Hall Building 6th floor 61st Conference Room
2019.11.26 (Tues)
Energy Conservation Center, Japan
FY2019 Energy Saving Diagnosis and Technology Case Presentation
Demand reduction through thorough demand management, production schedule adjustment and power saving measures
Wink Aichi, 9th floor, room 901
2019.11.22 (Fri)
Dynatron Co., Ltd.
Special Presentation at the 26th Dynatron User Seminar
Increase productivity with production management tools and mounting CAM
Implementation company with active female employees wins Energy Conservation Grand Prize
2019.11.13 (Wed)
Energy Conservation Center, Japan
FY2019 Energy Saving Diagnosis and Technology Case Presentation
Demand reduction through thorough demand management, production schedule adjustment and power saving measures
YMCA International Cultural Center, 2nd floor hall
2019.8.8 (Thurs)
Energy Conservation Center, Japan
Energy Conservation Management Forum
 - Energy-saving management to improve profitability -
Energy conservation achieved through thorough energy usage management by each employee (case study)
ACROS Fukuoka 7th floor conference room
2019.3.5 (Tues)
Ota District Industrial Environmental Conservation Liaison Council
Ota District Industrial Environmental Conservation Liaison Council
Environmental Training Session
"Cut the power, not people!"
~The president makes a decision! "Energy conservation declaration" in front of all employees!~
Ota Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 3rd floor, Small Hall
2019.2.14 (Thurs)
Gunma Prefecture Environment and Energy Division
Gunma Prefectural Global Warming Prevention Activity Promotion Center
By prefecture businesses
"Presentation of Environmentally Friendly Activities"
Saving energy to energize smiles!
The story of a president who cut the power, not people
Gunma Prefectural Office 2nd Floor Visitor Center

2018 Lecture Record

Lecture date
Lecture title
Lecture content
2018.12.14 (Fri)
Nihon Kohden Tomioka Co., Ltd.
Nihon Kohden Tomioka Co., Ltd.
Terakoya 5th Period 3rd Lecture
(68th Final Episode)
Saving energy to energize smiles!
The story of a president who cut the power, not people
Nihon Kohden Tomioka Co., Ltd.
Mirai Communication Center 1F
2018.11.14 (Wed)
Energy Conservation Center, Japan
"Energy Saving Diagnosis and Technology Case Presentation"
Hokkaido Venue
Demand reduction through thorough demand management, production schedule adjustment and power saving measures
Hokkaido Economic Center 8F Hall A
2018.10.26 (Fri)
Energy Conservation Center, Japan
"Energy Saving Diagnosis and Technology Case Presentation"
Tohoku Venue
Demand reduction through thorough demand management, production schedule adjustment and power saving measures
TKP Garden City PREMIUM Sendai East Exit 10F Hall
2018.10.18 (Thurs)
Energy Conservation Center, Japan
"Energy Saving Diagnosis and Technology Case Presentation"
Kanto Venue
Demand reduction through thorough demand management, production schedule adjustment and power saving measures
AP Tokyo Yaesu Street 11F Hall
2018.10.12 (Fri)
Energy Conservation Center, Japan
"Energy Saving Diagnosis and Technology Case Presentation"
Kyushu Venue
Demand reduction through thorough demand management, production schedule adjustment and power saving measures
West Japan General Exhibition Center, New Building 1F Venue
2018.8.29 (Wed)
Energy Conservation Center, Japan
Energy Saving Seminar 2018 in Osaka
Whoever controls power management controls production management
My Dome Osaka
2018.3.14 (Wed)
Japan Chamber of Commerce
12th Joint Committee on Energy and Environment
Cut the power, not people!
The president makes a decision! "Energy Saving Declaration" in front of all employees!
JP Tower (KITTE) 4th floor "Hall" (300 people)
2018.2.15 (Thurs)
Energy Conservation Center, Japan
Roundtable discussion on women working in energy conservation
Energy conservation
Tokyo Big Sight Conference Tower 7th floor
2018.1.23 (Tues)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry
Energy 2017
Symposium on Rational Use
~Energy saving first to reduce costs~
"For thorough power management in electronic equipment production
Energy saving by
~He who controls power management controls production management~!"
Curian (Shinagawa City Community Center) 8th floor large hall

2017 Lecture Record

Lecture date
Lecture title
Lecture content
2017.11.22 (Wed)
Gunma Prefecture Community-based Services
Liaison Council
Community-based comprehensive care beds and foreign technical intern trainees
Training session
About the Actual Conditions of Accepting Foreign Technical Intern Trainees
Takasaki City General Welfare Center Meeting Room 4
2017.9.15 (Fri)
Ethics Corporation Association
652nd Executive Morning Seminar
Saving energy to energize smiles! The story of a president who cut the power, not people
Hotel Amuse Tomioka Front Office 2F
2017.9.14 (Thurs)
Gunma Bank
Lecture for the 5th batch of Gungin Business School students
Saving energy to energize smiles! The story of a president who cut the power, not people
Gunma Bank Training Institute
2017.6.19 (Fri)
Tomioka Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Tomioka Regional Industrial Pollution Prevention and Environmental Conservation Council
Regular General Meeting Training Session
Saving energy to energize smiles! The story of a president who cut the power, not people
Yorozuya Restaurant
2017.6.7 (Wed)
Asprova Inc.
Asprova Users Meeting 2017
Smile energy activities and production management bring smiles to small and medium-sized enterprises!
Trust City Conference Marunouchi
2017.2.24 (Fri)
Fukushima Prefecture Commerce and Industry Credit Union
New Year Special Commemorative Lecture
Saving energy to energize smiles! The story of a president who cut the power, not people
Koriyama View Hotel, Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture
2017.2.7 (Tues)
Tohoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry
Energy 2017
Symposium on Rational Use, etc. in Tohoku
Announcement of the Heisei 27 Energy Conservation Grand Prize Case Study: Thorough power management in electronic equipment production
Rakuraku Hall, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
2017.2.2 (Thurs)
Ricoh Japan Co., Ltd.
Manufacturing Improvement KAIZEN Seminar
Energy conservation and diversity
Ricoh Japan Gunma Branch Maebashi Sales Office

2016 Lecture Record

Lecture date
Lecture title
Lecture content
2016.11.20 (Sun)
Gunma Prefectural Credit Union
Fukushima Prefecture Commerce and Industry Credit Union
Lecture by the Young Business Successors Association
Saving energy to energize smiles! The story of a president who cut the power, not people
Gunma Prefectural Credit Union Head Office
2016.11.17 (Thurs)
Energy Conservation Center
Diagnostic Professional Members Networking Event
Announcement of the Heisei 27 Energy Conservation Grand Prize Case Study: Thorough power management in electronic equipment production
Energy Conservation Center Conference Room
Tokyo Prefecture
2016.11.9 (Wed)
Tomioka Rotary Club
Saving energy to energize smiles! The story of a president who cut the power, not people
Hotel Amuse Tomioka
2016.10.13 (Thurs)
Forward to 1985 energy life
EIKOH Company Tour
Energy-saving diversity management
2016.9.12 (Mon)
Gunma Prefecture Labor Policy Division
2016 2nd
Council for Promoting the Active Participation of Working Women
Council for Promoting the Active Participation of Working Women
2016.9.8 (Thurs)
Tomioka-shi Elementary and Junior High School Principals Association
Educational lecture
Saving energy to energize smiles! The story of a president who cut the power, not people
Tomioka Elementary School Meeting Room
2016.8.31 (Wed)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Diversity Management Seminar
Diversity management (women's empowerment)
Hotel Crown Palace, Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Yamanashi Prefecture
2016.7.5 (Tues)
Forward to 1985 energy life
The 6th National Energy Conservation Meeting in Shizuoka
Saving energy to energize smiles! The story of a president who cut the power, not people
Shizuoka Prefecture, Shizuoka City, Grandship Conference Hall Kaze
Shizuoka Prefecture
2016.6.26 (Sun)
Japan Junior Chamber of Commerce Gunma Block
Gunma Total Activity Symposium
Diversity management (women's empowerment)
Maebashi Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2F Sakura

2015 Lecture Record

Lecture date
Lecture title
Lecture content
2015.3.13 (Tues)
Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry
Symposium on Rational Energy Use
Whoever controls power management controls production management
Saitama Shintoshin Joint Government Building No. 1, 2nd floor auditorium
370-2455 1109-2, Kanohara, Tomioka-shi, Gunma
FAX: 0274-63-2549

1. Board implementation
2. Board assembly
3. Board assembly/Board examination
4. Product assembly/product inspection

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