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Manufacturing Process

An integrated production system even for small lots

EIKOH SEISAKUSYO Co., Ltd.'s Commitments

Founded in 1973 "
Accumulating "reliable technology" and taking on new "daily challenges" to support Japanese manufacturing.

In our process, we place the highest priority on customer trust.
We strive every day to improve production efficiency with the goals of [quick delivery times], [improved quality] and [0% defect rate].
We can also handle small lot requests.
As a "flexible company," we hope to be of assistance to you in a wide range of ways.

SMT Process

SMT Process
[Machine installation/mounter]
Printing machine: Yamaha (YCP10)
Mounter: Yamaha (YS24X → YS100)
Reflow: Tamura (TNV50-568EM-P) Nitrogen

[Supported Implementation Size]
Max: L510mm x W460mm
Min: L60mm x W50mm
t (thickness): 0.5 to 2.0 mm
Part height: within 15mm
*0.4×0.2mm mountable

Manual Insertion Process

Manual Insertion Process
[26-pallet round conveyor (2 units)]
Although progress is being made with machine mounting and insertion, there are still some areas that cannot be mechanized and manual insertion is still required.

Automatic Soldering Process

Automatic Soldering Process

[Solder bath (nitrogen compatible)]
Spout bath *Lead-free and eutectic compatible
Fluxer: Tamura (TAF-40-15PA)
 Solder bath: Tamura (HC25-39NE)

[Supported Implementation Size]

Max: L330 x W250 x T1.6
Min: L50 x W50 x T1.6

Camera Inspection Process

Assembly Process
[3D appearance inspection machine]
Omron (VT-S730)
Equipped with NG stocker
Nagaoka Seisakusho (NS0009L TP2G)

[Supported Inspection Size]
Max: L510mm x W460mm
Min: L60mm x W50mm
t (thickness): 0.5 to 2.0 mm

Manual Soldering Process

Manual Soldering Process

●Hand soldering certification
 (This permit is given to those who have completed the theory and practical training and met certain standards.)

For retrofit parts, only those with hand soldering certification are allowed to work on the job, and we strive to maintain and stabilize quality.

Assembly Process

Assembly Process
Various printed circuit boards are assembled into the main body (by screws and wiring) to create the finished product.
High temperature aging room
Environmental testing can also be carried out using Nippon Medical and Chemical Machinery's product (Max 100℃).

Electrical Inspection Process

Electrical Inspection Process
We conduct electrical inspections of the printed circuit board and main body of the product, and then finish it off as a finished product.
370-2455 1109-2, Kanohara, Tomioka-shi, Gunma
FAX: 0274-63-2549

1. Board implementation
2. Board assembly
3. Board assembly/Board examination
4. Product assembly/product inspection

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